Thursday, October 7, 2010

Group Project

This group project should be interesting. Hopefully we end up with  lots of options to choose from as clients, but if not we have on right now that we can work with. I am thinking that we may need to meet soon because from talking to the client and talking to the group we may or may not all be on the same page. The good news is that both parties are excited.

This project reminds me of my first IE class, Introduction to System Design. We basically had to do the same thing except the client's need could be anything, not just a commissioned document. I think this may help my group members who are also IEs tremendously throughout this process.


  1. I agree that this project is going to be interesting. So far I like the way the parts of it are being broken down similar to the instructions project. I'm interested to see how it all turns out at the end of the semester.

  2. I took IE 201 as well and I hope to pull some of what I learned in that class for our group project. I think it is always a good idea for students to work with "real" clients because it gives us some perspective of something we might be doing after we graduate. I also think that working with a client will give us a little extra motivation to perform well because we aren't just trying to get a good grade, we are trying to impress the client and show them that Clemson students are motivated and capable of performing real world tasks.

  3. I am jealous that you say you had a lot of options because that definitely wasn't our case. Also, we have a split on majors between our four members. Even though we have some technical differences, it seems as if we are all on the same page with working hard and putting in the effort. But, like you said.... it should be interesting.
