Thursday, October 14, 2010


I am the type of person who likes to relate the classes that I am taking to real life applications. How can I apply this after graduation? We are currently taking a simulation modeling class in which we recently had a test. I was surfing the web for IE journals an found The Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management. The article basically defined Simulation and its importance to engineering and other disciplines.

Simulation allows you to predict process performance, compare alternatives and to establish the effect of several scenarios on performance. It is also helpful when you are trying to implement a new process. The article highlighted how simulation is an up and coming research field that is gaining alot of attention.

The article was a compilation of a few research papers put together. The papers explained what each person was individually using Simulation for and the application in which they were using it. This really put the class into perspective for me.


  1. I have never read that journal. Do you like it better than IE?

    I think it's cool you found an article on simulation since we're in a simulation class. Did the article give examples of where you would use simulation (like when determining whether to add a worker to a station or how a schedule would affect the process)?

    Did you forward the articles to our professor? It might not be a bad idea to share what you found with him...

  2. Simulation is a great tool that can be used for several different professions. Being a Civil Engineer it can definitely play a big role in testing new building designs against earthquakes or other natural disasters. As research gets better the simulations will become increasingly more real and effective. This was an interesting choice of article.

  3. I'm not an engineering major so that particular journal probably wouldn't make a whole lot of sense to me, but after looking at journals that apply to my major (biology), it put what I learn into class into perspective as well. Biology is a pretty broad subject, so most of the science journals contain a variety of different articles that can apply to the different classes I've taken over the past semesters.

  4. I have heard of simulation and how forecasting can come into play, as well as a preview of future results. Along with relating to industrial engineering, I have seen this done for many uses such as for consumer goods marketing, stocks investing, medicine treatment, ect. One time I would like to try it out and see how accurate it can be.
