Monday, September 27, 2010


The video was pretty interesting. I think the best part about Wikipedia is that you CAN see information about such a large array of topics, and you decide what is important. I would have to say that I thought both men made valid points.

I was reader though a magazine and saw a page that posed the question "will the internet kill magazines?"
The response was "instant coffee kill coffee?" I thought this was very interesting in wake of recently watching that video that compared "real" encyclopedias such as Britannica to Wikipedia. The magazine says that readership has increased over the past five year and the 18- 34 segment continues to grow. I believe this statement because I normally don't read this magazine, but I picked it up this time and really enjoyed it. I am considering picking it up again. I also have subscriptions to a few other magazines.

The article ended by saying that magazines remain the #1 medium for driving purchase consideration and intent. As long as this statement is true, I do not think advancements in the internet or wikiWorld will be replacing magazines anytime soon.

The article can be found in Essence magazine.


  1. I agree that magazine are not in immediate danger of becoming extinct. It is true that the internet provides basically an unlimited source of information, but magazines are much more accessible to the masses. The internet is not available everywhere but you can carry a magazine with you basically anywhere in the world. I think magazine advertisements work better than most online marketing because many magazines now are 50/50 ads to actual content. Usually internet ads are stuck in the corner or are not quite as "in your face".

  2. Whether or not print media is in danger of becoming extinct, I really don't know. I think that eventually, yes it will become extinct but as for when that will be - I have no clue. I do see print media making a switch to online websites instead though and I believe this will eventually kill print media all together.

  3. I agree will Kyle. I do not think magazines are in danger of extinction. Even though the internet is becoming more accessible, believe it or not, not everyone has access to the internet.
    Magazines are everywhere. I am sure that there has been a significant impact on printed media since the internet has gain more popularity, but I feel as though it will be around for a long time still.

  4. Considering this whole idea... The Wikipedia debate can be reduced to the fact that anybody can post their stuff, but there are a bunch of resources at the bottom of each page. Just like every teacher I had in high school said, "The way to tell if something is a valid source is if it has sources cited". It is kinda simple, yes there is a wealth of all kinds of information on the internet, good and bad. The way to tell if it is a valid source is if you can pull up where they got their information from, and then where the author of that got their information from, and so on. When you come to a research publication of tests, results and conclusions and determine for yourself if the assumptions they made are the ones you believe are valid, then you can decide for yourself if you approve of the generalization put on Wikipedia. But, I think I will stay with the common method of googling what I'm interested in and if it makes sense... Then go with it.
