Monday, September 27, 2010

Instructions over and done...Roger that

The instructions are now submitted and turned in. This was a pretty good first project for this class. I thought the peer evaluations were very helpful, because they gave insightful types from a broad audience of potential viewers. Some class mates were completely oblivious about the topics of group members topics, while others were very knowledgeable about the topics.

The knowledgeable class mates were able to critic each other based on what they knew to be facts and what they thought were important. The not-so-knowledgeable class mates were the perfect test group. Their level of confusion could always be used to indicate how clear of unclear the instructions were. 

1 comment:

  1. there weren't any comments on this... so I figured I would pick up the slack. The level of confusion you mentioned, is kind of what I was weighing against how much work I had to put in to simplify what I was trying to do. I wrote mine on how to install a solar battery maintainer on a car. After the peer evaluations it was clear to me, I am going to have to put a boat load of pictures and diagrams and be overly thorough in my descriptions and processes. Since the tasks chosen covered the audiences of, what seemed to be the equivalent of teaching a kid to eat crayons to things that would be reasonable to write instructions on. I decided I would have to narrow my audience to people who were knowledgeable enough on the subject to be able to understand what was going on without simplifying it to the point of teaching them how to locate a car battery.
