Thursday, September 23, 2010

My Absolute Point of View

I thought the experiment with the poem we were talking about in class was very interesting. It just goes to show, that with the right amount of minds thinking, even the most random group of words make sense. It makes me think of paradigms. My psychology teacher put  five one six three two on the board and asked the class to recognize the pattern. It took a while for someone to get it. Everyone was trying to figure out  a mathematical algorithm or pattern that would fit. We were all thinking on the wrong paradigm. We should have noticed that the words were spelled out for a reason, they were in alphabetical order. It had nothing to do with math or numbers, we were missing the point that at the end of the day, they were merely words.

I try to think of myself as a very liberal person. I do not really believe in too many absolutes. I think that everything is a matter of perception or opinion. There is always another way of looking at the same thing. After all the only reason we believe the things we know are "facts" is because someone society believes to me smart, told us so.

In the time of Galileo people just KNEW the world was flat and the solar system revolved around the Earth, that has obviously been proven wrong. I wonder what we "know" now, will be proved wrong in the next 100 years.


  1. It seems that a lot of times people over look the small details because they are trying to figure out the big picture. What people don't understand is that sometimes it takes the small details to understand exactly what the big picture is. I know I tend to do that and when someone finally tells me, I'm like "Ohhhhhh!!!". I've been sitting there trying so hard and once someone tells me, I'm can see everything so clearly.

    I think there are so many things that we believe now, but in the future will be disproved. Our technology is growing rapidly each and everyday and because of that, something new will be found or something will have progressed to a new level. But that isn't necessarily a bad thing as long as it makes the world a better place and makes something easier to understand.

  2. I am sure that some of the things that we hold to be true now will later be proven false. Ultimately, we can take something that is supposedly an absolute truth and find some way to argue against it, often using rhetoric. The continued debate on certain "facts" is what allows us to develop and improve our knowledge.

  3. France, the test your psychology teacher showed you is really neat! We used to look at those problems in elementary school. One of them was: "OTTFF" and we had to finish the pattern...can you figure it out now? I always thought those brain teasers were so much fun and really made you think outside of the box.

    And I agree with the others; there will definitely be things that we "know" now that will be proven false. There is no way that we could be correct about everything, ever.

  4. I also agree with you, who knows what will be proven differently a hundred years from now. There is research going on everywhere in the world and everyday new things are discovered. Everybody is always pushing for more knowledge and more understanding of everything. So I believe that no matter how many years down the road it is, there will always be new findings that build of the older ones.
