Thursday, October 28, 2010

What does it take for me to trust the man behind he stethoscope??

The purpose of this article was to discuss the validity of an instrument for measuring patients’ trust in medical technology. This article went along with the previous article I blogged about. All of Dr. Montague’s publications that I found were about patient trust. This article once again defines trust. This time however, she breaks it down into categories. She uses the following references to define patient trust in physicians; Thom et al. (2002) define patient trust in physician as a set of beliefs or expectations that a care provider will perform in a certain way, while Pearson and Raeke (2000) define trust as an emotional characteristic, where patients have a comforting feeling of faith or dependence in a care provider’s intentions. She also mentions that Pearson and Raeke (2000) define competence, compassion, privacy, confidentiality, reliability, dependability, and communication as the most common factors of patient trust in physicians.

I found these factors to be very interesting. If you sit back and think about if you had you rate your physician what factors would you use to determine if they are a “good” doctor or not? I pretty sure many of the factors listed above would align with Dr. Montague and Pearson and Raeke’s (2000) findings.

The other category she talked about what patient trust in medical technology which is already mentioned in my last post. 

Thursday, October 21, 2010

To Trust or Not to Trust that is the Question...

Next fall I plan to enroll in graduate school. I would love to attend UW-Madison. As I have been searching for research advisors, there has been one prevailing name that keeps sticking out to me, Enid Montague.  I have decided to analyze a collection of here publications, instead of on journal. I think I will being able to get more from studying her research interest and topics, since I would like to potentially work with here.

The first publication I am reading is about patients’ trust of technology in heath care. Patient’s trust has the “potential to affect the way the technology is used or not used in their care.”

After experimentation it was found that patients physicians experience technology in different ways, and therefore have different levels of trust towards it.

The publication also talked about ways to alleviate some of the patience distrust. This can be done by showing compassing for discomfort caused by the technology such as a tight blood pressure cuff, or a noisy MRI.  

When it came to patients, they develop trust in medical technology by logically combing the technology with the providers who use them. In their mind it’s a twp-part system that is evaluated together. The major components are trust in care providers, how the providers use the technology, and characteristics of the technology.  

I thought this was interesting because I would like my focus to be healthcare when I get to graduate school. Also its interesting how patience do not just assess the technology but more so how well it is used.

Thursday, October 14, 2010


I am the type of person who likes to relate the classes that I am taking to real life applications. How can I apply this after graduation? We are currently taking a simulation modeling class in which we recently had a test. I was surfing the web for IE journals an found The Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management. The article basically defined Simulation and its importance to engineering and other disciplines.

Simulation allows you to predict process performance, compare alternatives and to establish the effect of several scenarios on performance. It is also helpful when you are trying to implement a new process. The article highlighted how simulation is an up and coming research field that is gaining alot of attention.

The article was a compilation of a few research papers put together. The papers explained what each person was individually using Simulation for and the application in which they were using it. This really put the class into perspective for me.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Group Project

This group project should be interesting. Hopefully we end up with  lots of options to choose from as clients, but if not we have on right now that we can work with. I am thinking that we may need to meet soon because from talking to the client and talking to the group we may or may not all be on the same page. The good news is that both parties are excited.

This project reminds me of my first IE class, Introduction to System Design. We basically had to do the same thing except the client's need could be anything, not just a commissioned document. I think this may help my group members who are also IEs tremendously throughout this process.