Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Final Thoughts!!!

I read articles by Dr. Enid Montague from the University of Wisconsin. Her articles were all centered around patient trust in the medical field. One focused on patient trust in technology and the other was on patient trust in the provider.

The articles had a very similar structure. They followed the basic structure for a research publication. The target audience was industrial engineers or people interested in the healthcare field. The terminology used was very technical and there were several references to other publications by Industrials Engineers.

The structure and the language the articles spoke volumes about who the intended audience would be. Although the language was technical, it would not be too difficult for a non-engineer to read and comprehend.

1 comment:

  1. I read articles from a human factors journal and by some of the title alone you could tell that it is written primarily for industrial engineers. They used a lot of the key words we hear in IE from day to day and some of the articles may have been hard to read without an IE background. The structure reminded me exactly of all the lab reports we have don over the years, and this structure makes the goal of the article very clear and concise.
