Wednesday, August 25, 2010


I really enjoyed the clips from "Thank You for Smoking". This was not my first time seeing this movie and if you have never seen it, it is definitely worth the hour and change it takes to watch it. This movie was a prime example of rhetoric. 

When I think of rhetoric I think of someone using/manipulating words to get the audience on their side. Sometimes the speaker's goal is not to persuade the audience to see it this way, but just to discredit the opposition. A goal is sometimes to distract from the obviously negative things they are supporting such as smoking. 


  1. Just from the clips I saw in class it does look like a movie worth watching. I do have to disagree with you about rhetoric though. I get what you are trying to say, but if you are trying to dicredit something you are still persuading them. You are trying to get them to think the way you are, which is persuading isn't it?

  2. I think rhetoric is too often looked at in a negative light; most people don't take the time to recognize the good things that can come from rhetoric.

    I agree with TPayne22 that discrediting something is a form of persuasion, but I also think France makes a good point that there are different ways in which rhetoric can be used.
